Agung Aussie style glass bubble bongs.
Agung glass bongs with metal stems and brass cone pieces are called “Aussie Style” bongs. These are by far the most widely used glass bong in Australia and have been since their inception in the 1970’s.
Agung are the original creators of this standardized type of bong and still the most popular and recognizable brand.
All of the images on this site are the property of Ozism Pty Ltd Australia and may NOT be used for any commercial reasons. These photographs were taken by Paul or Sean at OzBongs in NSW Australia.
Agung bongs can be purchased at either or at

Agung Australia produce the highest quality Aussie style glass bongs. While competitors over the years have tried to take market share away from Agung by making cheaper and lower quality copies of Agung designs, Agung themselves have consistently retained the same focus they have had right from the start.
Competitor products may be cheaper, but it’s usually only a few dollars and a lot of the time the price between Agung models and competitor copies is actually very similar.
Agung is an Australian company, they were started in Australia and still to this day have their base in Australia and are owned by Australians.
The full range of Agung glass bongs and parts can be purchased from our stores and .